Simply pressing Control Alt and F (Command Option F for Macs) centers it on the composition frame and matches its size, all in one easy operation.Ī great one, and as said, for those who regularly use a multitude of different types of sources a real help in the workflow.

Here I set up a layer purposely larger than the composition, as you can see.

These are of course, the windows shortcuts, replace Control with Command for Mac aficionados.Īlso note the shortcut to add an adjustment layer with ease at the bottom, again use Command in place of Control for Macs.ĤScale and reposition selected layers to fit compositionĪ real boon if you are using a variety of footage and layers from different sources, this clever little shortcut resizes and centers layers to fit into their composition. Because solids have so many uses, vignettes and so on, they are well worth remembering. You may be noticing a theme here, something that is used a lot has a shortcut to get there quickly, and it is these things that shortcuts were invented for.Īs you can see there are shortcuts for all the common layer types to allow you to quickly add a new layer to a project. You can also use the same shortcut to remove an expression as well. Nice and simple of course, extremely useful and a timesaver for those complicated animations. Alt for Windows, Option for Mac, and click on the stopwatch for the property you are after. This one is another that gets a lot of use and so appears here, it is also true that it does save a lot of time in the menu system as well. UU (double tap U) reveals all changed properties To use them, simply select the layer and press the appropriate button, that property will appear. This of course is rolling several keyboard commands into one entry, but I think separating these would be cheating a little, it really is only one shortcut.

My number one shortcut, simply because there isn’t a project that has ever been made where it could not be used, is the shortcuts for selecting a property from a layer without expanding it all fully. Top 10 After Effects Shortcuts in Video Editing