Pokemon heart gold elite four
Pokemon heart gold elite four

pokemon heart gold elite four

No, the first thing on my list isn't that thing you're forced to do at the very start of your adventure. So if you want to discover all this stuff for yourself, stop reading now (and we'll see you in 15 years' time). But I'll warn you first, this post is naturally going to be PACKED WITH SPOILERS. Because there's some seriously cool stuff to find. So with that in mind, I've compiled a list of 10 things in HGSS that you might not have otherwise noticed. And there's a royal half ton of other stuff you're likely to never find out unless, like me, you have Bulbapedia and Serebii bookmarked. The game itself will never tell you this.

pokemon heart gold elite four

And reciting Macbeth backwards whilst standing on a hilltop with your pants around your ankles (possibly). To get yourself a Weavile, for example, you have to level up a Sneasel.

pokemon heart gold elite four

It's just too well hidden and too easy to miss. Pokémon can be very much a Guide Dang It series at the best of times - without a hook to a handy online resource, or a strategy book that could also be used to drop on planets you wish to crush, there's a whole heap of stuff you're unlikely to ever figure out for yourself.

Pokemon heart gold elite four